Shoebury Garrison, Shoeburyness, Essex

Shoebury Garrison, Shoeburyness, Essex

Shoebury Garrison was acquired from Gladedale as a mixed development scheme.  Planning was achieved on the Officers’ Mess which was a 34,000sqft burnt out structure, resulting in six prestigious houses being built on the site.  On the existing car park, planning was achieved for two houses, which have been sold to a local builder.  A 16,000 sqft drill shed was sold to a local Internet business.

Of the 25,000 sqft of redundant offices, 7,000 were sold to a local telephone company and 5,000 for a Sainsbury’s metro store.  Plans are being submitted for 16 flats on the remaining 13,000 sqft and an outline planning application for a mixed-use scheme on the remaining 24 acres of the site – 172 houses and 9 acres of commercial development.

Whitehouse Business Centre, Ipswich
Romford Road, Ilford